Mortgage Fact Find

1st Applicant

1. Personal Details

(Please complete all questions in this section)

(inc. area code)

Details of dependents:

Dependent 1

Dependent 2

Dependent 3

Dependent 4
(Please include their name and date of birth)*

(including postcode)
(please provide 3 years’ addresses below)
(Including postcode)
(Including postcode)

2. Employment details

(Please complete all questions in this section)

If self employed, please complete the accountant details section or outline in the notes section if you file your own tax returns.
(Including postcode)
(If less than one year with current employer, please state previous employer in Section 10)

3. Accountant's details (if applicable)

(Including postcode)
(including area code)

2nd Applicant

1. Personal Details

(Please complete all questions in this section)

(inc. area code)

Details of dependents:

Dependent 1

Dependent 2

Dependent 3

Dependent 4
(Please include their name and date of birth)*

(including postcode)
(please provide 3 years’ addresses below)
(Including postcode)
(Including postcode)

2. Employment details

(Please complete all questions in this section)

If self employed, please complete the accountant details section or outline in the notes section if you file your own tax returns.
(Including postcode)
(If less than one year with current employer, please state previous employer in Section 10)

3. Accountant's details (if applicable)

(Including postcode)
(including area code)

4. Existing unsecured loans & liabilities (even if they are to be repaid shortly)

Debt 1

Debt 2

Debt 3

5. Existing mortgages

Type of secured loan

Main Mortgage

(Include postcode)

State your mortgage rate type:

Is your existing mortgage:

If a combination, state the split:

Additional Mortgage

(Include postcode)

State your mortgage rate type:

Is your existing mortgage:

If a combination, state the split:

6. Property details

(Including postcode)

Accommodation (give numbers for each that apply to the property):

Leasehold (only):

Flats / apartments only:

(if purchasing)
(Include postcode)
(including area code)

Adult occupiers of the property (over age of 17):

7. Solicitor’s details

(Include postcode)
(including area code)

8. Bank / building society account details

Please give details of your Bank / building society account from which your mortgage is to be debited

9. Existing Insurance Plans

1st Applicant

2nd Applicant

10. Notes (use this to record any relevant additional information)

11. Documents / Files upload

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.

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07715 628 271

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