Mortgage Fact Find Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Layout1st Applicant 1. Personal Details (Please complete all questions in this section)TitleMrMissMrsOther TitleFull name including all middle namesMother’s maiden nameDate of birthMarital statusSingleMarriedCivil PartnershipDivorced Widow(er)NationalityNational Insurance NumberRelationship to 2nd applicantDaytime telephone No. (inc. area code)(inc. area code)Email address Details of dependents: Dependent 1NameDate of Birth Dependent 2NameDate of Birth Dependent 3NameDate of Birth Dependent 4NameDate of BirthOther dependents(Please include their name and date of birth)*Current address(including postcode)Move in date for current address(please provide 3 years’ addresses below)Status at current addressOwnerTenantWith family/friendsIf you are renting, please confirm current rental paymentPrevious address(Including postcode)Date at previous addressStatus at previous addressOwnerTenantWith family/friendsPrevious address(Including postcode)Date at previous addressStatus at previous addressOwnerTenantWith family/friendsDo you have a will?YesNoHave you smoked or used any nicotine replacement products in the last 12 months?YesNo 2. Employment details (Please complete all questions in this section)Occupation / Job titleEmploymentEmployedSelf EmployedIf self employed, please complete the accountant details section or outline in the notes section if you file your own tax returns.Name & address of employer or business(Including postcode)Start date with employer (If less than one year with current employer, please state previous employer in Section 10) 3. Accountant's details (if applicable)Accountant’s full nameAccountant’s address(Including postcode)Telephone number(including area code)Email2nd Applicant 1. Personal Details (Please complete all questions in this section)TitleMrMissMrsOther TitleFull name including all middle namesMother’s maiden nameDate of birthMarital statusSingleMarriedCivil PartnershipDivorced Widow(er)NationalityNational Insurance NumberRelationship to 2nd applicantDaytime telephone No.(inc. area code)Email address Details of dependents: Dependent 1NameDate of Birth Dependent 2NameDate of Birth Dependent 3NameDate of Birth Dependent 4NameDate of BirthOther dependents(Please include their name and date of birth)*Current address(including postcode)Move in date for current address(please provide 3 years’ addresses below)Status at current addressOwnerTenantWith family/friendsIf you are renting, please confirm current rental paymentPrevious address(Including postcode)Date at previous addressStatus at previous addressOwnerTenantWith family/friendsPrevious address(Including postcode)Date at previous addressStatus at previous addressOwnerTenantWith family/friendsDo you have a will?YesNoHave you smoked or used any nicotine replacement products in the last 12 months?YesNo 2. Employment details (Please complete all questions in this section)Occupation / Job titleEmploymentEmployedSelf EmployedIf self employed, please complete the accountant details section or outline in the notes section if you file your own tax returns.Name & address of employer or business(Including postcode)Start date with employer(If less than one year with current employer, please state previous employer in Section 10) 3. Accountant's details (if applicable)Accountant’s full nameAccountant’s address(Including postcode)Telephone number(including area code)Email 4. Existing unsecured loans & liabilities (even if they are to be repaid shortly)Layout Debt 1Type of unsecured debtLoanHP / LEASECredit card debtAre these credit card debts cleared each month?YesNoBalance outstandingConfirm if for Applicant 1 or Applicant 2Applicant 1Applicant 2Lender’s nameMonthly costExpiry dateWill this debt remain in place after completion of the mortgage?YesNo Debt 2Type of unsecured debtLoanHP / LEASECredit card debtAre these credit card debts cleared each month?YesNoBalance outstandingConfirm if for Applicant 1 or Applicant 2Applicant 1Applicant 2Lender’s nameMonthly costExpiry dateWill this debt remain in place after completion of the mortgage?YesNo Debt 3Type of unsecured debtLoanHP / LEASECredit card debtAre these credit card debts cleared each month?YesNoBalance outstandingConfirm if for Applicant 1 or Applicant 2Applicant 1Applicant 2Lender’s nameMonthly costExpiry dateWill this debt remain in place after completion of the mortgage?YesNo 5. Existing mortgages Type of secured loanLayout Main MortgageState the type of mortgage you haveResidential MortgageBuy to LetState who has the debt1st Applicant2nd ApplicantJointAddress of mortgaged property(Include postcode)Lender’s nameAccount NumberIf let, what is the gross rent p.m.?Amount outstandingCurrent value of propertyDate of purchasePurchase priceYour current monthly paymentRemaining term of the mortgageCurrent interest rate State your mortgage rate type:Fixed RateYesNoTracker RateYesNoOther (please state) Is your existing mortgage:Interest onlyYesNoRepaymentYesNoCombinationYesNo If a combination, state the split:Interest onlyRepayment Additional MortgageState the type of mortgage you haveResidential MortgageBuy to LetState who has the debt1st Applicant2nd ApplicantJointAddress of mortgaged property(Include postcode)Lender’s nameAccount NumberIf let, what is the gross rent p.m.?Amount outstandingCurrent value of propertyDate of purchasePurchase priceYour current monthly paymentRemaining term of the mortgageCurrent interest rate State your mortgage rate type:Fixed RateYesNoTracker RateYesNoOther (please state) Is your existing mortgage:Interest onlyYesNoRepaymentYesNoCombinationYesNo If a combination, state the split:Interest onlyRepayment 6. Property details Property purchase price / value of property Loan amount requiredFull address of the property to be mortgaged (if known)(Including postcode)TenureFreeholdLeaseholdCommonholdType of propertyDetachedFlat / ApartmentSemi-detachedTerracedBungalow Accommodation (give numbers for each that apply to the property):Reception room(s)Kitchen(s)Bedroom(s)Bathroom(s)Toilet(s)Garage(s)Parking Space(s)Other Approximate year of construction Leasehold (only):Length of Lease remainingService Charge (per annum)Ground Rent (per annum) Flats / apartments only:Multiple ChoicePurpose builtConversionHow many floors are in the building?Is the property above a business premises?YesNoIf ‘Yes’, specify type of businessOn which level is your flat / apartment? Estate agent’s name(if purchasing)Estate agent’s address(Include postcode)Telephone number(including area code)Email Adult occupiers of the property (over age of 17):Full name(s)Date(s) of birthRelationship to you 7. Solicitor’s details Solicitor’s full nameSolicitor’s address(Include postcode)Telephone number(including area code)Email 8. Bank / building society account details Please give details of your Bank / building society account from which your mortgage is to be debitedWhen did you open this account?Name of your Bank or Building SocietyBranch sorting codeAccount numberName(s) of account holder(s)Preferred day of the month for mortgage payment 9. Existing Insurance Plans Layout1st ApplicantProduct typeProviderEnd DateSum Assured / ValueMonthly Premium2nd ApplicantProduct typeProviderEnd DateSum Assured / ValueMonthly Premium 10. Notes (use this to record any relevant additional information) Record below such things as previous addresses or employment history (with start and end dates) or any other information relevant to the proposed mortgage. 11. Documents / Files upload Upload any required documents or files such as: Passports, Payslips etc... Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files. Submit Call Me 07715 628 271 Email Me